Monday, November 15, 2010

Christmas Season

To all my great Artist and Friends, I just want to mention I will be away from my position at work from (Nov 15th to Jan 15th 2011).  I will check my emails and comments but please know if I don't answer quickly I will follow up on responding. 
I am also going to do some painting and when I return will post them on my blog and share I look forward to your comments this will be my 1st showing "EVER" I have been a bad critic to myself, and I need to overcome that barrier.  Your feed back well help me learn.  

I will miss and look forward to returning to share my work.
Dana Park

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Chrismas is coming up quickly

I have bought last years close out sales gifts, I am really bad when it comes to close out after an holiday.

  My grand kids have a list already, Madilynn wants a GoGo Dog, Kianna wants a child laptop or DSL lets remember they are only 5 years old.  Kiernan is only 8 months old, so he don't have any wishes "Yet". Daughter wants new luggage, son wants his college to be over...haha. My husband hasn't hinted but Tools has always been his favorite. Yeah like I know how to buy tools.

Black Friday is arriving really soon, I don't know if I will be heading to the stores hate crowded areas, might do some shopping online.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Coffee Please

I found this site and I can't tell ya how I wouldn't mind having this job,The mobile coffee shop has that one job I'd like.  I am sure there is more work then the fun, but setting up shop anywhere you like, and meeting new people all the time.  With me loving to paint landscapes I know I would find so much beauty.  I like to introduce some nice people who love their job.

Welcome to our mobile coffee shop that we operate out of a vehicle:
We are fully independent. We have no need to be close to a power source or water supply as we bring this with us. We have a power generator and a water tank with filtered water.
We offer a full range of hot beverages:
·        Espresso
·        Americano
·        Cappuccino
·        Caffe Latte
·        Filter Coffee
We can also optional provide the following:
  • Hot Chocolate
  • Tea
  • Miniral Water
  • Energy drinks
  • The vehicle is fitted with a 2kg CO2 fire extinguisher and a 4.5kg dry chemical powder fire extinguisher.
Now imagine your in the mountain just popping out of your tent and you see this warm welcome coffee waiting to serve.  Heck I'd love it!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Coffee Drinkers

Study Shows 3 to 6 Cups of Tea Daily Linked Reduced Risk of Death From Heart Disease.
They found that:

* People who drank three to six cups of tea per day had a 45% lower risk of death from heart disease than people who drank less than one cup of tea a day.
* Drinking more than six cups of tea a day was associated with a 36% lower risk of heart disease, compared to drinking less than one cup.
* People who drank more than two, but no more than four, cups of coffee a day had about a 20% lower risk of heart disease than people who drank more or less coffee or no coffee at all.
* Moderate coffee consumption was associated with a slight, but not statistically significant, reduction in death from heart disease, but neither coffee nor tea affected stroke risk.

Making Perfect Coffee:

1. Whole beans: The first step to a great pot of coffee is using quality beans. Like many things in life, you get what you pay for. Avoid instant coffee as well as pre-ground beans as the flavor begins to dissipate as soon as the beans are ground. Buy whole coffee beans instead. Don't buy more beans than you will use in a week's time. Store the beans in an airtight container in a dry, cool place. Avoid storing your beans in the refrigerator as that will add unwanted moisture.

2. Grind: Your next step is grinding the beans. For this, you will need a coffee grinder. There are many good-quality coffee grinders available at discount prices on When grinding whole coffee beans, only grind the amount you need for one pot of coffee at a time. To figure out how fine to grind the beans, consider which type of system and filter your coffee maker uses and consult the following table. As always, be sure to read the manufacturer's instructions on your coffee machine for specific suggestions.

3. Percolator or French press: Coarse grind
4. Permanent filter: Medium grind
5. Basket filter: Medium-fine grind
6. Cone-shaped filters: Fine grind
7. Espresso: Very fine grind
  1. Measure: The amount of coffee grinds you use will make the coffee stronger or weaker, so feel free to experiment and find the measurement that tastes best to you. As a general guideline, use 1 to 2 tablespoons of grounds per every six ounces of water.
  2. Just add water: Next, you will want to add cold, filtered water to the water reservoir in your coffee maker. You don't have to buy premium water to brew a good cup of coffee, but if your regular tap water tastes chlorinated, you should consider buying a filter for your kitchen faucet or a filtering water pitcher to keep in the refrigerator.
  3. Brew: Finally, be sure to let you entire pot brew. Stopping the brewing process in the middle to sneak a cup of coffee will change the taste and strength of the coffee. Follow the above steps and you will be sure to brew a perfect pot of coffee every time.